"I will never understand why people attack for a laugh," she Twittered after an Oct. 11 Fox NFL Sunday spoof mocked her weight by saying she'd make a good "defensive tackle."

She lashed out at bloggers "from the bottom of my heart encased in fat" after reading one comment online that said she "used to be hot" but now "looked like Elton John."

"For seven years it's been happening. It's like, 'OK cool, the fat joke,'" she said earlier this year. "I don't think artists are ever the ones who have the problem with their weight, it is other people."

After seeing comments on a Dancing With the Stars message board (one person called her a "hogzilla"), the size-4 dancer said last year: "Maybe I'm not at my thinnest right now, but it's a little bit like, 'Wow, do you really think I'm fat?'"

"A size 2 is not fat!" she seethed on her blog after critics mocked Web photos of her in a bikini in 2007.

Nicknamed "Blubber" in high school, she told GQ last year that she still feels like the "fat kid." In 2007, she won libel damages from a British magazine that claimed she saw a diet specialist.

"Kiss my fat ass!" she told critics in 2007 after a tabloid ran her photo under the headline "America's Next Top Waddle."

Growing up, "everyone called me fat," she recently told Tyra Banks. "Every paper, the headline was 'fat, fat, fat.'" Even today, "sometimes I read things [that say] I'm too fit or my arms are too muscular, but that's how I am."
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